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Homemade Strawberry Fruit Roll Ups


Nothing gets kids excited like homemade strawberry fruit leather! They will eat it all day if you let them. This recipe is super quick and easy – only three ingredients! The only appliances you need are a blender and an oven or dehydrator. Join me in the video to learn how to make this awesome fruit leather treat. Recipe available below the video.

Homemade Strawberry Fruit Roll Ups
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Nothing gets kids excited like homemade strawberry fruit leather! They will eat it all day if you let them. This recipe is super quick and easy – only three ingredients! This recipe makes enough fruit leather for one dehydrator tray or cookie sheet.
Recipe type: Preserving the Harvest
Serves: 12
  • 3 cups of fresh strawberries
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 T honey
  1. Place all ingredients in your blender, with the strawberries on the bottom
  2. Pulse the blender a few times to liquify the strawberries
  3. Blend until you have a very smooth, smoothie-like consistency
  4. Pour onto your dehydrator sheets (or plastic-wrap-lined cookie sheet for the oven)
  5. Spread to about ¼ inch thick
  6. Dehydrate approximately 8 hours at 105-135 degrees Fahrenheit. Turn trays to promote even drying. After 6 hours, flip fruit leather to dry bottom side.
  7. Remove from dehydrator and store in ziplock bags in the freezer.



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